6 tips yang bisa ayah/bunda terapkan agar anak tidak bosan di rumah
Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang bisa Bunda lakukan untuk mengusir rasa bosan anak saat harus tetap di rumah akibat pandemi covid-19:
1.Berkreasi lewat seni
Menggambar dan mewarnai bersama bisa menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan untuk mengusir kejenuhan anak. Selain mengajari anak untuk berkreasi dengan warna dan bentuk, menggambar dan mewarnai juga bisa membangun rasa percaya diri anak, melatih imajinasinya, dan membuatnya gembira. Tak hanya menggambar, Bunda juga bisa mengajak anak bermain musik, bernyanyi, dan menari bersama. Aktivitas ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan motorik kasar anak serta koordinasi tangan dan matanya.
2.Mencoba resep baru dan memasak bersama
Momen ‘stay at home’ ini bisa bunda manfaatkan untuk memasak bersama anak. Bunda bisa memilih resep makanan kesukaan anak dengan bahan yang sederhana dan mudah dibuat. Memasak bersama orang tua tidak hanya menyenangkan bagi anak, tapi juga membuatnya bisa belajar cara memasak makanan yang ia sukai. Namun, pastikan si anak aman selama berada di dapur ya bunda. Dengan memasak bersama bunda, anak juga akan belajar menghargai usaha bunda untuk memasak makanan untuknya. Selanjutnya anak jadi bisa lebih mensyukuri makanan yang ia terima dan tidak membuang-buang makanan.
3. Berkebun
Pekarangan rumah bisa bunda manfaatkan untuk melakukan aktivitas berkebun bersama anak. Jika tidak ada pekarangan di rumah, bunda bisa mengajak anak menanam tanaman di pot. Kegiatan ini bisa menjadi pengalaman baru yang menyenangkan dan sangat positif bagi anak. Dengan berkebun, anak bisa belajar untuk bertanggung jawab, mencintai lingkungan dan alam, serta mengenal tumbuh-tumbuhan.
4. Menonton film favorit
Mengajak anak menonton film kesukaannya juga bisa menjadi solusi agar anak tidak bosan di rumah. Sembari menemani anak menonton film, bunda dapat mengajarinya hal-hal baik yang bisa dipetik dari film tersebut.
5. Sholat berjamah
Mengajak anak untuk sholat berjamaah juga untuk mengajarkan anak selalu mengingat Allah SWT sebagai yang maha pencipta. Meskipun saat pandemi masjid banyak yang ditutup tapi ayah dan bunda tetap bisa mengajarkan anak untuk sholat berjamaah dirumah.
6. Berolahraga sambil berjemur
Selama di rumah, ajaklah anak untuk berolahraga bersama di pagi hari sambil berjemur. Tidak perlu lama-lama, cukup 15–30 menit. Rutin berolahraga sambil berjemur baik untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh anak serta memperkuat tulang dan daya tahan tubuhnya. Ingat, walaupun hanya di rumah, usahakan agar anak tetap aktif bergerak supaya tubuhnya sehat dan terhindar obesitas.
Itulah beberapa aktivitas yang bisa bunda lakukan bersama anak untuk menghilangkan kebosanan selama berada di rumah. Namun, tetap terapkan tindakan pencegahan covid 19 selama melakukan aktivitas tersebut. Selama di rumah, ayah dan bunda juga bisa mencoba menjelaskan tentang virus corona kepada anak agar ia mengerti alasan mengapa semua orang tidak diperkenankan untuk bepergian selama wabah virus corona. Ini juga bisa menjadi salah satu cara efektif untuk mengatasi kecemasan, jika memang anak mengalaminya. Jika selama di rumah bunda memerlukan konsultasi, vaksinasi untuk anak, atau pemeriksaan langsung dari dokter, sebaiknya jangan langsung ke rumah sakit karena akan meningkatkan risiko tertular virus corona.
Oleh: Rahmah Fithriani, S.Pd
Ways For Children To Be Bored At Home During Pandemic Covid-19
Covid-19 pandemics prevent children from playing outside the home or going to school. As a result, many children complain of boredom because they are constantly in the house. To stop the spread of the corona virus, the government encourages everyone to do physical distancing and not go outside the home unless it is urgent. This suggestion can make children bored because they have to learn from home and can not do activities outside the home. In fact, over time this can cause feelings of sadness, boredom, anxiety due to too long isolated in the house.
6 ways that father / mother can apply so that children do not get bored at home
Here are some tips you can do to get rid of boredom when having to stay at home due to the covid-19 pandemic:
1. Be creative through art
Drawing and coloring together can be fun activities to get rid of boredom of children. In addition to teaching children to be creative with colors and shapes, drawing and coloring can also build a child's confidence, train his imagination, and make him happy. Not only drawing, Mother can also invite children to play music, sing and dance together. This activity can improve children's gross motor skills and eye and eye coordination.
2. Try a new recipe and cook together
This 'stay at home' moment can make use of it for cooking with children. You can choose your child's favorite food recipes with ingredients that are simple and easy to make. Cooking with parents is not only fun for the child, but also allows him to learn how to cook the foods he likes. However, make sure the child is safe while in the kitchen, mother. By cooking with the mother, the child will also learn to appreciate the mother's efforts to cook food for her. Furthermore, the child can be more grateful for the food he receives and does not waste food.
3. Gardening
Home yards can be used to do gardening activities with children. If there is no yard in the house, the mother can invite children to plant plants in pots. This activity can be a fun and very positive new experience for children. With gardening, children can learn to be responsible, love the environment and nature, and get to know plants.
4. Watch a favorite movie
Inviting children to watch their favorite movies can also be a solution so that children do not get bored at home. While accompanying the child watching a movie, the mother can teach him the good things that can be learned from the film.
5. Prayers touch
Inviting children to pray in congregation is also to teach children to always remember Allah SWT as the creator. Even though many mosques were closed during the pandemic, their father and mother were still able to teach their children to pray together at home.
6. Exercising while sunbathing
While at home, invite children to exercise together in the morning while sunbathing. No need for long, just 15-30 minutes. Routine exercise while sunbathing both to maintain the health of the child's body and strengthen bones and endurance. Remember, even if only at home, try to keep children active so that their bodies are healthy and avoid obesity.
Those are some activities you can do with your child to get rid of boredom while at home. However, keep implementing covid 19 precautions during these activities. While at home, father and mother can also try to explain the corona virus to children so that they understand the reasons why everyone is not allowed to travel during the corona virus outbreak. This can also be an effective way to deal with anxiety, if indeed the child experiences it. If during the mother's home requires consultation, vaccination for children, or a direct examination from a doctor, you should not go directly to the hospital because it will increase the risk of contracting the corona virus.
By: Rahmah Fithriani, S.Pd
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