Penyiapan guru profesional harus mulai disiapkan dari jenjang akademik baik pada tataran akademik kampus maupun pengenalan lapangan secara mungkin pada setting nyata (latar otentik) di sekolah atau lembaga pedidik lainnya. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar sedini mungkin calon pendidik memahami, mengetahui, menghayati, menjiwai, dan memiliki kemampuan kritis dan analitis terhadap profesinya kelak. Untuk itulah, seluruh mahasiswa program sarjana pendidikan wajib mengikuti tahapan pemagangan penyiapan calon guru profesional melalui PLP.
Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) adalah kegiatan observasi dalam bentuk magang dilakukan di sekolah, dilaksanakan pada semester enam atau tujuh. Mata kuliah PLP memiliki bobot 4 sks dan mahasiwa wajib secara penuh aktif berada di sekolah selama 4 minggu. Rincian 4 minggu di sekolah adalah satu minggu melakukan observasi proses pendidikan disekolah dan tiga minggu mengamati tugas dan fungsi guru terkait kegiatan pendidikan dan administrasi. Sebelum kegiatan PLP di sekolah mahasiswa mendapat pembekalan berupa kegiatan orientasi kampus selama 2 hari sebelum kegiatan magang disekolah.
Alhamdulillah, TK IT Robbani menjadi mitra dalam rangka pelaksanaan PLP (Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan) mahasiswa di lingkunan Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya periode semester genap tahun akademik 2019/2020. Kepala TK IT Robbani, Ani Oktar Yansi, S.Pd I menyambut baik kerjasama tersebut dengan ikut berpartisipasi menghadiri acara Pelepasan dan Serah Terima Mahasisa PLP FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya di lingkungan TK IT Robbani Indralaya pada hari Rabu, 29 Januari 2020, pukul 09.30-10.30 WIB di Gedung Serba Guna FKIP Unsri Indralaya.
Acara ini diakhiri dengan foto bersama dengan dosen, guru sekolah mitra dan mahasiswa FKIP yang akan mengikuti kegiatan PLP. Semoga kegiatan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk mempersiapkan colon tenaga pendidik yang profesional dan menjadi wadah bagi sekolah mitra untuk lebih banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat, terutama dikalangan akademisi dan lebih banyak lagi kerja sama lainnya.
TK IT Robbani Becomes Partner PLP (School Field Introduction Program) UNSRI 2020
The preparation of thirsty professional teachers begins to be prepared from the academic level both at the academic level of the campus as well as the introduction of the field to the actual settings. (authentic setting) in schools or other educational institutions. This is intended so that as early as possible prospective educators understand, know, appreciate, animate, and have the critical and analytical abilities of their profession. For this reason, all undergraduate education students must take the apprenticeship stage in preparing professional teacher candidates through PLP.
School Field Introduction (PLP) is an observation activity in the form of an internship carried out at school, carried out in semesters six or seven. PLP courses weigh 4 credits and students are required to be in full school for 4 weeks. Details 4 weeks at school is one week observing the education process at school and three weeks observing the levers and functions of teachers related to educational and administrative activities. Before PLP activities at school students get a briefing in the form of campus orientation activities for 2 days before the apprenticeship activities at school.
Alhamdulillah, TK IT Robbani became a partner in the framework of implementing PLP (School Field Introduction Program) for students within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the University of Sriwijaya in the even semester period of the 2019/2020 academic year. The Head of TK IT Robbani, Ani Oktar Yansi, S.Pd I welcomed the collaboration by participating in the Disengagement and Handover Ceremony of PLP Students of FKIP Sriwijaya University in the TK IT Robbani Indralaya environment. On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at 09.30-10.30 WIB in the Multipurpose Building FKIP Unsri Indralaya.
The program ended with a group photo with lecturers, partner school teachers and FKIP students who will take part in PLP activities. Hopefully this activity can be useful to prepare professional educators and become partners for partner schools to be more well-known by the community, especially among academics and more cooperation.
School Field Introduction (PLP) is an observation activity in the form of an internship carried out at school, carried out in semesters six or seven. PLP courses weigh 4 credits and students are required to be in full school for 4 weeks. Details 4 weeks at school is one week observing the education process at school and three weeks observing the levers and functions of teachers related to educational and administrative activities. Before PLP activities at school students get a briefing in the form of campus orientation activities for 2 days before the apprenticeship activities at school.
Alhamdulillah, TK IT Robbani became a partner in the framework of implementing PLP (School Field Introduction Program) for students within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the University of Sriwijaya in the even semester period of the 2019/2020 academic year. The Head of TK IT Robbani, Ani Oktar Yansi, S.Pd I welcomed the collaboration by participating in the Disengagement and Handover Ceremony of PLP Students of FKIP Sriwijaya University in the TK IT Robbani Indralaya environment. On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at 09.30-10.30 WIB in the Multipurpose Building FKIP Unsri Indralaya.
The program ended with a group photo with lecturers, partner school teachers and FKIP students who will take part in PLP activities. Hopefully this activity can be useful to prepare professional educators and become partners for partner schools to be more well-known by the community, especially among academics and more cooperation.
BalasHapusTk IT Robbani Mantab
BalasHapusKereennn 👍👍
BalasHapusSemoga TKIT Robbani semakin bermanfaat buat banyak orang 🥰🥰🥰
BalasHapussukses teruss TK IT Robbani
BalasHapusSuksess selalu TK IT Robbani 👍
BalasHapusSuksess selalu TK IT Robbani 👍
BalasHapusBilingual yah. Ad bahasa Inggris nya juga. Keren euy
BalasHapusSukses terus 👍
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