Setelah berlangsungnya proses belajar mengajar berbasis daring selama kurang lebih 3 bulan akhirnya peserta didik SD IT Robbani menerima laporan hasil belajar berupa raport semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Raport ini merupakan hasil belajar peserta didik pada semester 2 yang dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari-Juni 2020. Hasil ini juga yang menjadi salah satu tolak ukur peserta didik untuk naik kelas atau tidak. Nilai semesteran diambil dari kegiatan selama proses belajar daring, maupun nilai keseharian peserta didik pada saat belajar disekolah.
Pembagian raport semester dibagikan kepada orang tua secara langsung disekolah pada tanggal 22-24 Juni 2020 di SD IT Robbani. Pembagian raport dilaksanakan selama tiga hari mengingat masih berlangsungnya pandemi covid 19 yang masih belum berakhir. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini pun dirancang sedemikian rupa dan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan yang ada.
Pembagian raport dilaksanakan selama 3 hari dari hari senin-rabu dengan system pembagian jadwal 2 kelas 1 hari. Pelaksanaannya dimulai dari pukul 08.00 WIB sampai dengan pukul 12.00 WIB. Wali murid dijadwalkan hadir berdasarkan waktu yang telah ditentukan oleh pihak sekolah, dengan jumlah 5 orang/jam dan maksimal 20 orang/hari dalam 1 kelas. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari keramaian dilingkungan sekolah untuk tetap menjaga keamanan dan Kesehatan wali murid juga para guru. Sebelum masuk kedalam lingkungan sekolah, sebelumnya wali murid yang akan mengambil raport harus mencuci tangan dengan sabun yang telah disiapkan didepan pagar sekolah. Setelah itu petugas sekolah akan mengecek suhu tubuh dan mencatatnya dibuku yang telah disiapkan. Wali murid yang memiliki suhu normal akan izinkan masuk kedalam kelas, dan wali murid yang memiliki suhu diatas suhu normal maka tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam kelas dan hanya dapat menerima raport dari luar pagar sekolah. Selain itu sekolah juga telah menyiapkan masker untuk wali murid yang tidak menggunakan masker saat datang ke sekolah.
Penerimaan raport diadakan di dalam kelas yang telah ditentukan dengan tetap menjaga jarak antara satu sama lain, hanya 1-3 orang yang boleh masuk kedalam kelas secara bergantian untuk pengambilan raport dengan guru kelas masing-masing. Setelah menerima raport wali murid Kembali kerumah masing-masing.
Semoga pandemi segera berakhir dan sekolah bisa kembali dibuka seperti biasa dan belajar mengajar dilakukan secara normal disekolah, aamiin.
Oleh: Tia Wulandari, S.Pd
Distribution of Even Semester Report Card Academic Year 2019/2020 SD IT Robbani Ogan Ilir
After the ongoing online-based teaching and learning process for about 3 months finally Robbani Elementary School students received a report on learning outcomes in the form of report cards even semester semester 2019/2020. This report card is the result of student learning in semester 2 carried out from January-June 2020. This result is also one of the benchmarks of students to grade or not. The semester values are taken from activities during the online learning process, as well as the daily values of students when studying at school.
Distribution of semester report cards distributed to parents directly at the school on 22-24 June 2020 at Robbani IT Elementary School. The distribution of report cards was carried out for three days given the ongoing covid pandemic 19 that was still not over. The implementation of this activity was designed in such a way and kept in mind the existing health protocols.
Distribution of report cards is carried out for 3 days from Monday to Wednesday with the distribution system schedule 2 classes 1 day. The implementation starts from 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB. Student guardians are scheduled to attend based on the time determined by the school, with a total of 5 people / hour and a maximum of 20 people / day in 1 class. This is done to avoid the crowds in the school environment to maintain the safety and health of students' guardians as well as teachers. Before entering the school environment, before the guardians of students who will take report cards must wash their hands with soap that has been prepared in front of the school fence. After that the school officer will check the body temperature and record it in the book that has been prepared. Guardians of students who have normal temperatures will be allowed into the classroom, and guardians of students who have temperatures above normal temperatures are not allowed into the classroom and can only receive report cards from outside the school fence. In addition, the school has also prepared masks for guardians of students who do not use masks when coming to school.
Report cards are held in the class that has been determined while maintaining a distance between each other, only 1-3 people may enter the class in turn to take report cards with their respective class teachers. After receiving the student report card guardians return to their respective homes.
Hopefully the pandemic will end soon and the school can be re-opened as usual and teaching and learning carried out normally at school, amen.
By: Tia Wulandari, S.Pd
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